Help Wanted

If you are interested in helping with any of the positions on this page, email

Program Division Technical Support

We are looking for one or more people to help with supporting Zambia, the web application used for scheduling Arisia. We need help with documentation, training, answering users' support questions, and gathering & prioritizing requirements for usability improvements. This is an ongoing and open-ended need. We are happy to have someone help with any piece of this need they are able to carve out.

The training is mostly early fall and the support is mostly all fall. The other work is open-ended and any time.


Ops Desk Volunteers

This person will staff the Ops Desk, providing information and things like blue tape for convention staffers. Must be able to answer phone and take notes. Ability to use a computer and printer desired.

This job is at-con only, in short shifts (between 2 and 4 hours long). We'll train!


Staff Den Packing Ninjas

At the end of Con, Staff Den will need some assistance in packing materials for storage, and keeping good inventory. This person should be skilled in one of two manners: good at playing tetris with items in bins OR good at carrying packed bins down to trucks. This is at the end of con, on Monday afternoon.


Web Application Development

We are looking for developers with skills in one or more of php, javascript, HTML, CSS, mySQL, jQuery, jQueryUI, Bootstrap, and XSL to help enhance Zambia, the web application used by Arisia and other cons for scheduling.

The work is open-ended and all pre-con.


Quiet Room Staff Head

This is an at-con job, with a little Pre-con work (recruiting volunteers).

Arisia has set aside space for a quiet room, a place for people to take a break from the convention, the lights and noise. It will be open during the day (10am to 9 pm or so) and to prevent abuse, it needs to be staffed. It also needs to be opened in the am, closed down at night and possibly have someone call housekeeping to tidy or replenish the water setup.

